Kerala’s Changing Higher Education Landscape

Kerala stands out for its impressive higher education system. The State’s higher education sector is characterised by a diverse range of universities, colleges, and research institutions. With a Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) of 41.3, Kerala ranks seventh highest among all states and Union Territories in India.
The state has at least 46 colleges for every one lakh people, placing it among the top 10 states in this regard. The total enrollment in higher education across all levels is approximately 1,304,445, with 554,572 males and 749,873 females. Kerala is one of the top five states in India where female enrollment surpasses male enrollment, highlighting a significant achievement in promoting women's education.
According to the All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2021-22, Kerala is home to 25 university-type institutions. This includes 16 state universities, one central university, three deemed-to-be universities, and Institutions of National Importance. Among these, six universities serve as affiliating multidisciplinary institutions, with colleges affiliated to them.
In recent years, Kerala’s higher education institutions have gained recognition in national rankings. In the latest National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) rankings, several universities and colleges from Kerala have made impressive strides, showcasing the quality of State’s education and research capabilities. Additionally, in the Times Higher Education Rankings, Kerala’s institutions have been noted for their academic excellence and contributions to higher education.

As Kerala continues to evolve, the following significant initiatives and reforms are underway in its higher education system:
  • Four-Year Undergraduate Program (FYUGP): The Four-Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUGP) represents a major transformation in Kerala's undergraduate education system, introducing greater flexibility, promoting interdisciplinary learning, and placing a strong emphasis on research and skill development.
  • Streamlined Academic Services: Kerala has introduced K-REAP, a comprehensive software platform designed to streamline academic and administrative processes for universities and colleges. This centralised system will provide students with convenient access to all academic services, from admissions to certificates.
  • State Assessment and Accreditation Centre (SAAC): Ensures quality through state-level accreditation, incorporating specific state-centric criteria such as equity, social inclusivity, and secularism.
  • Kerala Institutional Ranking Framework (KIRF): Provides a comprehensive ranking mechanism for all higher education institutions in the state. It considers teaching, learning, research, graduation outcomes, outreach, inclusivity, scientific temper, and secular outlook.
  • Erudite Scholar-in-Residence Programme: Facilitates interaction with renowned scholars and practitioners from around the globe,including Nobel Laureates.
  • Brain Gain Programme: Aims to leverage diaspora knowledge and expertise.
  • Higher Education Scholarship Scheme: Supports talented students in non-professional academic domains like sciences, humanities, and social sciences, thereby promoting academic excellence.
  • Journal Consortium and Kerala Academic Library Network (KALNET): Provide extensive access to e-journals and library resources across universities, boosting research capabilities.
  • DIGICOL - Digital Enablement of HEIs in Kerala: Equips colleges with online learning platforms through training and infrastructure support.
  • Chief Minister's Navakerala Post-Doctoral Fellowships (CMNPDF): Supports innovative research in various fields aligned with Kerala's developmental needs.
  • Kairali Research Awards: Recognize and celebrate outstanding research scholars within Kerala and the Indian diaspora.
  • Higher Education for the Future Journal: peer-reviewed journal published by KSHEC, ranked in the top quartile (Q1) of the prestigious SCOPUS international journal rankings.
  • Study in Kerala: Study in Kerala" seeks to attract international students by capitalising on the state's strong infrastructure, academic diaspora, and cultural diversity. Initially focusing on short-term study abroad programs, the program aims to eventually attract students for full-time courses and establish Kerala as a preferred destination for international education.
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