N V Varghese

Distinguished Visiting Professor at IIT Bombay ( Former Vice-Chancellor, NIEPA)


Professor N.V. Varghese is currently a distinguished Visiting Professor at IIT Bombay; former Vice Chancellor of NIEPA, New Delhi (2017-22); Founding Director of the Centre for Policy Research in Higher Education (CPRHE/NIEPA), New Delhi (2013-2019); former Head of Governance and Management in Education at the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP/UNESCO), Paris (2006-2013). He has been the Focal point for the ANTRIEP network, member of several Internatioanl Boards/Committes and editorial Boards of Journals, Chief Editor of the Journal for Educational PLannning and Administration (2017-2022) and Secretary General of International Working Group on Education (IWGE) from 2008 to 2013. He has directed research projects in several countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and CIS region. He has published several books and numerous research articles in academci journals and books in the areas of educational planning, financing, school and higher education.

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