Shakila T Shamsu



Dr. Shakila Shamsu, former OSD (New Education Policy), Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education (MoE), has been a part of the entire exercise in the formulation of this current policy. She has been the Secretary to the Committee to Draft National Education Policy. She was the Nodal Officer of the flagship Govt. of India Scheme of National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (NMTT). She held senior positions in the Govt. of India: Joint Adviser (Education), Planning Commission, OSD (XII Plan), Ministry of Education. Her career spans four decades in teaching /academics in the Universities of Mumbai, IGNOU and 14 years in the Government of India.

She holds a Ph.D in Distance Education, Gold Medalist for Masters, PG Diploma in Distance Education, and a Degree in Law. She has to her credit a number of articles in international journals, book contributions and in the preparation of XI, XII Plan and Government reports. She has been privileged to be a member of various Committees of the GOI, State Govts., UGC, USIEF Fulbright National Selection Committees, Academic Council in Universities etc. She has addressed several national and international conferences within the country and UK, Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Nepal. She has received awards for her contribution to the field of education from different bodies.

She has addressed several national & international seminars on the NEP recommendations and implementation. Currently, she is Hon. Adviser (Special) Education, Centre for Public Policy & Research (CPPR); Member, Governing Council, India MUN, a Pan India UN group for Youth in Climate Action. She has been honoured among 100 honorees of Muslim Women in Kerala by the initiative of Rising Beyond The Ceiling (RBTC) and volunteering as a Mentor under Women Mentorship Programme.

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